Immanuel Walufu
Born 2017
Brian Omenda
Born 2017
Quiet and likes playing
Ivan Ajay
Born 2016
likes church and playing
Stella Auma
Born 2014
Very quiet and likes cleanliness. She has chronic respitory disease.
Adlia Obote
Born 2007
Total orphan. She was born and lives with HIV/AIDS. She is industrious, hard working and prayerful.
Agnes Nekesa
Born 2007
Loyal and assists in teaching Sunday school. Her parents died 5 years apart.
Philip Burudi
Born 2006
He is an introvert but a very good listener. He is also very obedient and likes church so much.
Newton Hasao
Born 2004
He is on the daily Antiretroviral drugs as he was born with HIV/AIDS.
Brenda Taaka
Born 2007
She is on the daily ARV drugs. She likes singing and dancing. She periodically suffers from Pneumonia. She is a hardworking girl.
Bradley Sanya
Born 2011
A very bright who likes cleanliness. He has natural oreganizational skills. Likes playing football and dancing. Likes church.
Rebecca Nekesa
Born 2005
Very bright in class. She is jovial, understanding and thankful. She is a sunday school leader.
Gideon Namare
Born 2009
Quiet and prayerful. He also likes reading bibles and singing gospel musc.
Shaphrine Akinyi
Born 2005
Good dancer and hardworking
Sheila Achieno
Born 2004
Likes helping others. Loving and has spirit of adventure. Likes church very much
Gerald Otieno
Born 2006
Likes playing football and he is hardworking.
Ivine Otieno
Born 2006
Very funny and loves helping especailly on the farm.
Jedidah Achieno
Born 2009
Good dancer and very funny. Likes church telling stories to others.
Mary Tereza Nabwire
Born 2006
Loves Jesus Christ and she is clever in class work.
Sheila Apiyo
Born 2007
Likes church and reading bibles. She sings gospel music even alone. She has chronic peptic ulcers and asthma.
Macknon Bwire
Born 2006
Loving and understanding. He likes going to church and reminds others to go early.
Nelvine Miriam
Born 2006
she is shy but clever. Likes playing in group
Vivian Achieng
Born 2008
Very intelligent and funny. Never misses church. She suffers from halucinations some nights.
Bravine Otieno
Born 2009
Likes taking the goat to browse on leaves. He works on the compiund to clean it.
Merciline Adongo
Born 2005
She is a hardworking girl who also likes cooking
Immaculate Awino
Born 2005
She likes helping on the farm. She is sympathetic to her fellow children
Samuel Namare
Born 2005
He is all rounded in both academic and co curriculum activities. Loves Jesus Christ.
Dailsy Rael Ajiambo
Born 2008
She is funny and loving. She prepares her other small chuildren to go to church. Very happy girl
Daniel Wanyama
Born 2010
She is always sickly but very hardworking. Loves farming
Valerie Night
Born 2009
Welcoming and loving
Winnie Ouma
Born 2007
She is good at cooking and loves church so much.
Macdonald Barasa
Born 2009
Beats drum during their service. Likes jokes
Isaac ouma
Born 2009
He is so jovial and loving. He likes reading Bibles during Sunday School Class.
Trizer Agunda
Born 2014
She is on ARV and and also has kidney problem but she is jovial and bright in class work.
Collins Bevan Juma
Born 2008
He has a spirit oif adventure. He is very sympathetic and lends a helping hand whenever required.
Immanuel Juma
Born 2012
He is all smiles and good especially to his fellow kids.
Ann Iminza
Born 2010
Social and argumentative.
Brivia Nancy Rehema
Born 2007
She is also social and wants to learn more
Purity Akinyi
Born 2014
She is lively and hard working. She is asthmatic.
Flavius Mangeni
Born 2004
She has a good heart and rarely gets irritated. She helps other children and also in the farm
Vincent Opiyo
Born 2005
Harrdwoking and likes church.
Esther Anyango
Born 2010
Loves Jesus Christ. She is a good listener and diligent.
Catherine Atieno
Born 2011
She is so social and hardworking. She suffers from respiratory diseases which affects her during cold season
Japheth Omondi
Born 2008
Talkative and outgoing
Stephen Ochieng
Born 2009
Wants to be first in everything. He is playful and loves Christ
Adrian Ndenga
Born 2016
Playful and bright in class
Dickson Ndenga
Born 2018
Loving and quiet
Javan Ojiambo
Born 2014
Likes playing footoball and very quiet
Elizabeth Viona
Born 2007
Speaks her mind and not shy. Vey talkative and good athelete
Godfrey Wanga
Age Unkown
Hot tempered but not for long. He is assertive
Pamphilian Akinyi
Born 2010
Very funny and loving. likes dancing
Charles Osimbo
Born 2009
Is sick but very funny
Christine Akinyi
Born 2006
very humble and hard working. she is funny and welcoming
Caleb Priest
Born 2009
Polite boy who likes playing.
Faith Agunda
Born 2007
A very bright and social kid.