If you want to go fast go alone.
If you want to go far go together.
These children need your help
There are so many things they need. From housing, food to proper education, clothing and security. Since some of those kids are very sick they also need medical support.
Below you will find in detail what we try to finance:

Medical Support
Some of the children need daily medication to survive concerning their sickness.
As an example little Trizer Agunda is on ARV and has also kidney problems. She is only 7 years old.

Food is not taken for granted. Depending on the harvest it could be that there is not much to eat.
Mostly available are beans, rice and cornbread (Ugali in Swahili). Their wellbeing is very dependent on the food the children are getting.

Clothing, shoes
Since the kids have to walk a lot and are almost only outdoors they need proper chlothing. During the day it can be very very hot and in the night it is cold.
To provide blankets, sheets and clothing is also essential.

Education Fees
Education is key to success. Everywhere. Especially for those who are in need of. School fees are in average EUR 180,- per year.
Those who are able to go to the secondary school also need school requirements such as a uniform, ruler, books and so on. Around EUR 100,- / Kid.
Since the bills and receipts are displayed in KES (Kenyan Shilling) this currency Converter should help you to see how much it is in your local currency:
Bank Information
Robert Nagel
DE29 1001 1001 2625 8634 00